If you are a teacher, you can follow the steps below to easily create Content Creator accounts for all of your students using the Bulk Import feature in the Mission Maker. Content Creator accounts can be used to create content in the Mission Maker, or play your Missions in the Agents of Discovery mobile app.
Using the Bulk Import feature
1. Log in to https://mm.agentsofdiscovery.com with your Mission Maker account.
2. On the sidebar, select "My Users".
3. Select the "Bulk Import Users" button on the top of the page.
The Bulk Import feature uses a CSV (.csv) or Excel (.xls, .xlsx) formatted document of your students' first and last names to generate accounts automatically. Here are some examples:
4. Once you have created your Bulk Import file, Select the "Choose File" button and select your file.
5. Enter the teacher's email address in the Email box.
6. Select the "Content Creator" Role.
7. Select the "Import" button.
8. The operation takes a few seconds. Once completed, your internet browser will download a file containing account details for all students.
9. The account details included in the document can now be handed out to each student for use in the Mission Maker and mobile app.